What is a Pivot Table?

Pivot Table

If you're a beginner or an intermediate Excel user, you may have definitely heard about Pivot Tables in Excel. This tool is one of the incredibly important part of any analyst's Excel toolkit, and appears frequently in Excel-based job interviews like the Uber Analytics interview. But what is a Pivot Table, and how it helps Excel Users analyze data more effectively? In this article, we'll go through the basics of Pivot Tables, explaining what they are and how to use them in daily practice. Simply defined, a Pivot Table is a tool built into Excel that allows one to summarize large quantities of data in a quick and easy way. Given an input table with tens, hundreds, or even thousands of rows, Pivot Tables allows one to extract answers to a series of basic questions about your data with the minimal effort. That may all seem a bit abstract, so let's dive into a real-world example, so as to get an idea about what a Pivot Table really is.

Defining the problem

Have a look at the below spreadsheet, that contains an individual list of SnackWorld's sales to customers sorted by date and item type. The below example only has twelve rows, but it is important to note that what we are about to discuss, also applies to much bigger spreadsheets — our sheet could just as easily contain hundreds or thousands of rows, making it much more difficult to analyze them via conventional means.
Let's say that a Snack World analyst is tasked with summing up the total dollar sales per individual customer. The task is urgent, as the Snack World CEO wants to see the data for an upcoming presentation that is to start in five minutes. How can the analyst complete the task in a quick and easy way? Here are some options from techniques and formulas we have learned till now:

She can add each customer's sales up by hand:

But we know that this approach is inefficient, time-consuming, prone to human error, and infeasible if the sheet in question contains hundreds or thousands of rows.

She could apply a SUMIF formula:

A SUMIF formula would help the analyst sum up sales customer wise. But it would take a lot of time to write the formula, and our analyst might miss a customer or two if the list is particularly large. Neither of the above options will work efficiently for our analyst. Enter the world of Pivot Tables. This tool will allow her to quickly sum up sales by customer with minimal effort. In the following Blog, we will learn:
  • Examples of Pivot Table and
  • Its Potential Uses: In Both Commercial and Non-Commercial Applications

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