What are the benefits of using Excel?
What is Excel? It is a software program included in the MS-Office Suite. It is used to create spreadsheets, that are documents in which data is laid out in rows and tables like a big table. Because of its extreme versatility and power, it has become one of the most used software in the business world for creating and managing data, be it of small amount or large in size. It was officially launched for public use in 1985. Excel has been one of the contributing reasons, that drove personal computing revolution in 1980’s and 1990’s all across the world. What is a spreadsheet? It is a specialised way of data organisation into rows and columns, with an aim to make it simpler to read and change, as and when required by the user. What are the uses of Excel? Excel has to offer something to everyone. Spreadsheets that are extraordinary and powerful tools, are frequently used in the corporates i.e. commercially for data storage and manipulation. Below are some examples that wi...